
是什么让网赌上分平台如此优秀? 我们的人民. 充电器国家由勤奋的学生组成, 有才华的教师, 忠实的员工, 以及慷慨的捐赠者,他们都对大学充满热情,并渴望有所作为.


历史系副教授. 布拉德利·伍德沃思(Bradley Woodworth)与耶鲁大学组织了一次国际会议,帮助展示了耶鲁大学的专业知识和全球影响力.

作为一个老兵的家属, I’ve seen how difficult it can be to access resources and support from the VA, 因为这个过程并不总是清晰的. 军事 & 退伍军人 Service office at the University helps tremendously in this area.

我想给退伍军人和与军队有关的学生一个建议:过渡并不意味着是永久的. 找个人聊聊天——你并不孤单.

前进:28岁的close wright加入了大学女子高尔夫球队,走上了商业管理的道路

教授, 前联邦调查局特工分析备受关注的母亲失踪案的判决

Employer Relations Manager Has Traveled the World, Speaks Five Languages

领导力和多样性协调员 & 包容是第一代学生的首选资源


Music Industry 教授 Excited to Share Experience with Students Studying in Nashville


Career Advisor Passionate 关于 Celebrating 多样性 in University and Local Communities

Associate 教授 of Biomedical Engineering Recognized as a National Leader in his Field

These students are very smart, they love to learn, and I love to teach them. 我很幸运能做这件事.


As we shared our stories, they seemed interested in my journey from the Donbas to the U.S. 许多年前,由于他们都没有去过美国.S. 之前.


I chose to work at the Inheritance Project because of the opportunity for growth, 共同的价值观, 以及无形的利益.


我的同事就像我的家人一样, 没有比这更好的经历了.

Seeing my students succeed is what I enjoy the most about teaching at the University.

The University did so much for me that I can’t even put it into words.


